
Microsoft IIS 5.x / 6.x  Kinyomtatja ezt a cikket

Save files: your_domain.crt or your_domain.cer. It will be used during the installation process.
  1. Open up the Control Panel and open Administrative Tools. (Some versions of Windows Adminstrative Tools can be found on theStart Menu under All Programs).
  2. Double-click Internet Services Manager (Some version of Windows call this: Internet Information Services).
  3. Right-Click on the website and left-click on Properties.
  4. Click on the Directory Security Tab.
  5. Click Server Certificate.
  6. Wizard will appear. Choose to Process the Pending Request and Install the Certificate and then click Next.
  7. Enter the location or browse to the location of the SSL Certificate file and then click Next.
  8. Read the summary screen to be sure that you are processing the correct certificate and then click Next.
  9. Click Next in the confirmation screen.
  10. Stop and Start the appropriate website.
  11. You now have an SSL certificate installed for use on IIS.
Note: If you have received individual CRT files and not a CER file please follow our related articles section below to install the Root and Intermediate(s).

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