מאגר מידע

Which browser can I use to sign up for a Code Signing certificate?  הדפסת המאמר

Which browser can I use to sign up for a Code Signing certificate?

Following browsers support CS certificates: IE 6.0+, FireFox, Opera and Safari.

IE6+ (example):

Reset Internet Security options, should be set up as Default level: (Tools -> Internet Options -> Security Tab).
If the button is not active it means the default level is on.

Now you can purchase CS SSL.
Note: Product only works on the browser it was bought on. If you would like to use the certificate on different browser, the export certificate will be needed.

FireFox (example):

Go to browser's tool, it depends on the system you use:

Windows - Tools -> Options

Unix and similar - Edit -> Options

Mac - FF -> Options

Go to Advanced -> General -> Encryption ans click on View Certificates.

Choose Personal tab or Your Certificates.

Select the certificate and option Backup.

prompt to save the file Recommended:

* Save location: Desktop * File Name: Anything_of_your_choice * File type: PKCS12 Files (*.p12) Type the password for the file .p12 and click Save. It contains certificate and private key in PKCS #12 format.

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